Current position:
South African Astronomical Observatory
PO Box 9, Observatory
Cape Town, 7935, South Africa
Tel. : +27 (21) 460 6293
Fax. : +27 (21) 447 3639
E-mail :
Here you can download my CV in PDF (100Kb) or PS (100Kb) versions.
I had a talk for NASSP students
"The search for and study of strong emission line objects:
extremely metal-poor galaxies and PNe in the nearby galaxies".
Our paper Zucker et al.
"A Curious Milky Way Satellite in Ursa Major"
appeared in ApJL.
I had travel to Prague for the IAU XXVI General Assembly.
We presented three posters on two IAU Symposium:
The paper Smolcic et al.
"Improved photometry of SDSS crowded field images: structure and
dark matter content in the Leo I dwarf spheroidal galaxy"
was submitted in AJ.
The paper
"HI in XMD Galaxies. III. GMRT observations of BCG HS~0822+3542"
have been accepted for publication.
Accepted for publication in MNRAS paper
SDSS J160043.6+074802.9: a very rapid sdO pulsator,
appeared in astro-ph.
The paper
"HI in XMD Galaxies. III. GMRT observations of BCG HS~0822+3542"
was resubmitted.
I had a talk
"Planetary Nebulae As a Probe Of The Nearest Galaxies Evolution"
at the
51st Annual Conference of the SAIP.