25 Sep SAAO 200 Virtual Symposium “Beyond 200 Years of Astronomy”.
The SAAO will, in October 2020, celebrate 200 years of existence as an astronomical observatory.
We’re proud to announce the SAAO 200 Virtual Symposium which will be a fully virtual, interactive experience, live-streamed from Tuesday, 20 October through Friday, 23 October.
This occasion grants us the opportunity not merely to recall our scientific achievements but more importantly to celebrate together our country’s and our continent’s rich cultural heritage as well as to look forward “Beyond 200 Years of Astronomy”.
We see this future full of opportunity, inclusivity, inspiration, and pride in the excellence of decidedly African Astronomy at the forefront of a cutting-edge global pursuit of exploring our Universe.
The theme of the symposium and the presentations will cover a wide range of topics, including, among others, current and future science, the history of astronomy on the continent, as well as cultural and sociological aspects of astronomy. In addition, the symposium also aims to highlight our developing plans for the transformation of the observatory.
Please register by clicking on the link below: