Planetary Nebulae in the Outer Disk and Halo of M31:
(SDSS projects in collaboration with Grebel, E.K., Zucker,
D.B., Bell, E.F., Rix, H.-W., Holtzman, J., D. Martinez-Delgado)
Search for PNe candidates in SDSS M31 data.
We have developed a method to select PNe
candidates in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging data based on
photometric criteria. Using an SDSS scan of M31, we recovered a number
of previously-known PNe from Nolthenius & Ford (1987,ApJ,317,62;
NF87 hereafter) and Jacoby & Ford (1986,ApJ,304,490; JF86), and
developed selection criteria on the basis of their colors and magnitudes
in the SDSS data. We then applied these criteria to the whole area of
M31 as scanned by SDSS, selecting ~90 new PN candidates and 30 known
PNe. We estimated possible contamination by point sources such as QSOs
and stars, analyzing their distribution from Richards et al.
(2002,AJ,123,2945). We also estimated possible contamination by
background emission-line galaxies, using data from Kniazev et al.
(2004,ApJS,153,429). The numbers of all these types of objects in our
sample should be extremely small, since PNe stand out as being bluer in
(g-r) vs. (r-i), and redder in (u-g) vs. (g-r), due to the contribution
of the very strong emission lines Hbeta and [OIII] 4959,5007 in the SDSS
g-band and Halpha in the SDSS r-band.